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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Way to Foreplay (Part III)


The Erotic Pathways on the Sides of the Torso

Snaking from the bottom of the rib cage to the hips is a powerful nerve that, when stimulated, connects directly to your clitoris and your man's penis. Dr. Ross says that when you touch this area, it reflexively causes the pelvic-floor muscles to contract in both men and women, which increases arousal.

You will want to use a firmer touch here, since it's more ticklish than other spots. Start on one side, just underneath the rib cage, and either stroke the area with your hand or alternate between kissing (apply more pressure than usual with your lips) and lightly nibbling your way down to the hipbone.

On a guy, you'll actually see his testicles and penis contracting is the says by Dr. Ross. And you'll feel the contractions in your vaginal wall and clitoral area as he does the same move on you. The benefits here are twofold: Not only does it feel insanely good in the moment, but those pelvic contractions also create a buildup to one hell of an orgasm.

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